• Monday, March 31, 2025

Chanakya Neeti (Strategies for Success)

Chanakya Neeti (Strategies for Success)
on Jul 14, 2021
Chanakya Neeti (Strategies for Success)
Strategies for Success “An action contemplated shouldn’t ever be advertised; But kept a secret like a mantra, and revealed in time.” We all feel stuck at times. There could be many reasons for this—issues at work, unhappy family life, financial troubles, or embarrassing social situations. Most of us could use a little advice in these circumstances. Chanakya Neeti provides precisely that guidance to face life’s many daunting challenges. Chanakya, the great thinker, and teacher is well-known for his insights into the needs of both the privileged and the masses. The original Chanakya Neeti was written over two thousand years ago, but its brilliant verses are still applicable today because the basic quests of man remain the same—peace, prosperity, and happiness. In this volume, Radhakrishnan Pillai offers a modern interpretation of Chanakya’s crisp and practical maxims in his characteristic easy-to-follow and elegant prose. Imbibe Chanakya’s wisdom to break loose from the web of troubles and create the life you desire on your terms. Tap to buy this Book - https://www.buybooksindia.com/chanakya-neeti-strategies-for-success--9789388423571-2666.htm

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